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Our Annual Ski/Snowboard

By February 11, 2008No Comments

This past weekend was our annual ski/snowboard trip with all of our visions outpatient and alumni. The trip was such a blast, and everyone got along so well. We sang songs in the car on the drive up, and we all went skiing and snowboarding together. The staff and the kids came together so well, and it was just such a great time. We went to meetings and met new people, and fellowshipped with the AA up in Big Bear. The kids got closer to each other, and we all created a strong bond with one another. It really helped everyone to open up with each other and to have fun while being sober! There were some challenges everyone faced, some people were drinking at the mountain, but the kids didn’t let that faze them. It was great for them to see that you don’t have to drink in order to have fun! We all helped each other out on the trip. Some helped others to learn how to ski, some helped to give emotional support when it was needed. All in all, it was a successful trip. I’m greatful I was able to be a part of something so amazing.

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