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Find Residential Treatment Centers For Adolescents Reviews

By May 2, 2014No Comments

Find Residential Treatment Centers For Adolescents Reviews

When your child is in crisis, a sickened and desperate feeling can plague an already stressful situation and leave parents feeling hopeless. The troubled teens are often unaware of just how dangerous their situation has become. What is a concerned parent to do when they feel they have tried everything and yet find themselves helpless to stop the downhill slide?   family-counseling-for-teen-addiction

If your child has surrounded themselves with the wrong influences, begins having trouble at home, at school, and with authority, chances are the underlying issues run deep.  Trying to fix those issues on your own is just not the answer, and doing it in the same surroundings where the trouble started rarely works.  Residential treatment for teens at Visions Teen can take the child out of the dangerous situations they have created and offer them a comprehensive treatment program that gets to the root of their issues.

Adolescent Residential Treatment Offers Hope

By first removing your child from the surroundings that have led them down such a dangerous path, he can begin to isolate the true issues causing the at-risk behaviors. Whether they are plagued by an addiction, a mental illness or both, a diagnosis and a progressive and intensive treatment plan is what is needed.

All residential treatment clients at Visions Teen are placed in a home at our Malibu facility that is in a secluded rural setting conducive to recovery and serenity. Our clinicians offer them the safe environment needed to address issues while healing in a home atmosphere with other teens who are dealing with the same issues.

This bonding adds to a healthy environment where teens feel safe to discuss their inner thoughts, fears, and feelings with each other and the professional staff.  Each client at Visions Teen undergoes a thorough and expansive evaluation to determine just what issues the teen needs to address to regain a healthy life. After their assessment, a length of stay is determined that will last between 45-90 days.

Each teen will have the following professionals to see to their care:

  • Medical Doctors
  • Psychiatrist
  • Psychologists
  • Licensed Therapists
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Informed Programming
  • Counselors
  • Equine Therapist
  • Supervising Nurse
  • Art Therapists

Collectively this team of professionals will see to your child’s return to health and individualized treatment to set their lives back on track. There is hope. Call 866-889-3665 to schedule your consultation today.

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