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Drug and Alcohol Abuse: The Issue

By October 27, 2007No Comments

We live a world full of instant fixes and immediate responses. The idea that drug and alcohol abuse may be a life long battle to over come does not sit well. Substance abuse treatment is about connection, family and self discovery. Adolescents who use, cocaine, meth amphetamine, pot / marijuana, alcohol, zannix, adoral and a myriad of mind and mood altering chemicals are at high risk for: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, cutting / self harm, anger, violence, sexual abuse, disease, and destroyed education. If the focus for adolescent treatment is only symptoms continued abstinence is rare.

Adolescent chemical dependency treatment is a complex and challenging undertaking. Aggressive evidenced based therapies combined with a comprehensive multi modal 12 Step based approach, including intensive family work is key to success.

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