
Teen Girls Getting Drunk With Booze Soaked Tampons

That’s right, “straight A” college bound girls admitting to Visions Adolescent Treatment Center getting drunk and fast by inserting an alcohol-drenched tampon and waiting for the buzz.

We apologize for having to report this but what will they think of next?

The idea is you can get drunk much faster and with less evidence because the alcohol goes directly into the bloodstream. This means there is no scent of liquor on their breath.

This is very dangerous! It is an overdose waiting to happen!

“I do this because when my parents ask me ‘HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING!!!?’ I can honestly say, “No!”

Please contact us to find out is my teen doing drugs?


Specialized Drug Treatment For Teens

Only 10% of teens who need help for alcohol and drug problems actually enter adolescent treatment programs due in part to a lack of adolescent-only services and the poor quality of the teen treatment services that are available. Less that one-third of substance abuse programs in the U.S. offer specialized programs for teens.

A new study shows that 1.4 million teens need help for addictions each year, but only about one-tenth receive it.

Because of the lack of adolescent programs, the opportunity to intervene early in teen substance abuse is lost, the authors said. Many families seeking help for their children are unable to find treatment in their communities.

The study also found most of the available programs treat teens only on an outpatient basis and that facilities that offer teens residential or inpatient treatment rank higher in quality.

The study was funded by the Substance Abuse Policy Research Program (SAPRP) of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and appears in the March 2009 issue of the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.

Please call us for teen residential drug treatment.


How Drugs Affect Brain Development

Many parents look at their teens and wonder, “What in the world we’re they thinking?” Neurologist Frances Jensen, mother of two teenage boys, asked herself this and decided to get answers. Her conclusion? They often aren’t thinking, and the developmental process of the human brain might be to blame. The frontal lobes, where the brain decides, “Is this a good idea and what are the consequences?” aren’t fully connected to the rest of the brain in the teenage years. It’s not that teens are incapable of thinking through situations, but that the process is much slower than in adults. This may also contribute to teens’ sometimes amazing lack of consideration, poor impulse control, and susceptibility to addiction.
Young brains are much more reactive in order to learn, says Jensen, and therefore the teenage brain develops habits more quickly than adults, including drug and alcohol habits. She describes addiction in the brain as a type of learning. Smoking pot will create a much longer lasting cognitive decline in the teenage brain than in adults. Teen drug and alcohol treatment deals with every aspect of being a teenager, from problems in school to social anxiety, to peer pressure. In essence, teens are given the opportunity to “relearn” healthy behaviors. Fortunately, with such physically teachable minds, this may be an advantage to teens getting clean that adult addicts don’t have.

Please call us for teen or Young adult drug treatment


Prescription Drug Abuse Among Adolescents on the Rise

Prescription medication abuse amongst adolescents is on the rise. 20 percent of 12- to 17-year-old teenagers in the U.S. have reported giving their prescription drugs like Oxycontin and Adderall to friends or obtained drugs the same way, Reuters reported Aug. 18.

Allergy drugs, narcotic pain relievers, antibiotics, acne medications, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety medications were the most commonly shared. Three-quarters of those who borrowed drugs from friends said they did so instead of visiting a doctor.

About one-third of those who borrowed medications said they had experienced an adverse reaction as a result.

Past research has shown that 40 percent of adults also share their medications. “However, prior to our study, no one had asked adolescents how often they shared prescription medications, which meds they shared and what some of the outcomes were,” said lead researcher Richard Goldsworthy of Academic Edge, Inc.

Visions helps with adolescents struggling with prescription medications.


Teens Allowed to Drink Alcohol at Home

A Dutch study in which teens were allowed to drink alcohol at home found that they were more likely to drink outside of the home as well, and to drink more often. Parents who had hoped that by setting an example of moderate, safe drinking within the home would prevent alcohol abuse in their teens most often found that their teen was more likely to drink on their own. The study concluded that to avoid teen alcohol abuse, the onset of teen drinking should be delayed for as long as possible.
For teens that are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse, residential adolescent treatment can help. Establishing structure and learning new coping tools within a safe and nurturing environment allows teens the chance to get on the road to recovery. Teens who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse require treatment that addresses all aspects of a teen’s life- from academic and behavioral challenges, to dual-diagnosis and eating disorder issues, teens are given the opportunity to find wholeness and happiness within a loving support system. In addition to a wide range of daily activities, group, family, individual, equine, and art therapy all contribute to your teen’s well-being. There is no single solution to teen drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, but rather, there are multiple facets to achieving recovery. Visions explores every possible solution to craft an individual treatment plan for every individual teen.


Childhood Sweet Tooth Linked to Depression and Alcoholism

A new study conducted in Philadelphia finds that children are more likely to have a sweet tooth if they have a family history of alcoholism, or if they’ve suffered from depression. Sugary foods and alcohol trigger many of the same reward circuits in the brain, so scientists in this case decided to test the sweet tooth of children with a family history of alcoholism. They also hypothesized that children who suffer from childhood depression might be more likely to crave sweets to make themselves feel better.

The study involved 300 children between the ages of 5 and 12. About half of them had a family history of alcoholism. About 25% of the children showed signs of depression.
Researchers gave the children five different sweetened water samples containing different levels of sugar and asked them which one they liked best. The children who preferred the sweetest sample were the ones who had both a family history of alcoholism, as well as symptoms of depression.

The findings suggest that a preference for sweets might not be solely about taste buds, but instead could have to do with the child’s chemical makeup and family history. The study is careful to point out that children with a sweet tooth won’t necessarily grow up to become alcoholics or suffer from depression.

Please contact us if you or a loved one needs help for alcohol dependence or symptoms of depression.


Art Therapy For Teenagers

While in recovery, I’ve learned how to talk about how I am feeling. I’ve learned all the tools, how to talk, and what to do. Sometimes even when I talk about how I feel, there is still something in me that needs to physically get out. When I was using I wouldn’t talk about anything. I would stuff down all my emotion with negative coping mechanisms. I would either use, cause chaos, or literally run away from problems. I didn’t know how to let go of the physical strain I was going through. Recovery has taught me healthy ways to physically let go of emotion. One of these ways is art therapy.
When I am in a depressing mood I will play my guitar and write a song. When I’m angry I’ll draw. When I’m bored or feeling sorry for myself I’ll make a collage or a card for someone. Art is the most expressive thing I know. It feels so good to be able to let everything just slide off me and into this creative emotion filled entity. I can just sit in my room for hours, expressing myself with art, getting lost in it all. By the time I finish, I realize that I hadn’t once thought about using drugs or alcohol. It gives me a sense of fulfillment. I had been able to work through the issue without feeling the need to resort to havoc.
Sometimes my best friend will come to my house and we will express ourselves with art together. It creates and environment where we can focus and talk about what is on our minds. It has helped me in recovery when just talking about what’s on my mind wouldn’t completely help. Today I make it a habit to do art. Everyday I make sure I am physically expressing myself with creativity. Whether it be poetry, music, sculpture, etc. I do it. Art has been a huge outlet for me and for others to help keep clean and sober.


Sober Student Goes To College

I got my first acceptance letter to a college today and I’m pretty excited. I’ve come a long way since going to rehab. As a teen , I never thought that I would ever get it together enough to go to college. I really didn’t think I had it in me. After finishing adolescent drug treatment, I continued in the outpatient program and attended sober high school. I maintained my support system which helped me finish high school, even though my ADHD made it really difficult. In treatment, I learned how to keep going even when things were difficult, frustrating, or seemingly endless. These tools have now enabled me to keep going towards a great, rewarding life. If you had told me a few years ago that I would go to rehab, get clean, stay clean, and get into college, I would have never believed you. I’m so glad that other people believed in me and helped me get back on track. If I can do it, anyone can.

Find out How to get off drugs.


DSM V Changes

The American Psychiatric Association has revealed new guidelines under consideration for the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, including changes to the categories of adolescent substance abuse, learning disabilities, and many other issues that can effect teens, such as examining new diagnoses for adolescents. Many anticipate that more varied diagnoses will help clinicians focus more on treating individual symptoms rather than over-medicating the population.
Many teens use drugs and alcohol as an attempt to self-medicate. Dual Diagnosis teen drug and alcohol rehab is an effective way for teens to deal with potentially crippling substance abuse issues and accompanying factors, such as bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, ADHD, eating disorders, and depression. In a safe environment, teens learn valuable tools while dealing with drug and alcohol dependence and other challenges. Staff clinicians help to create personalized treatment programs to fit each teen’s needs, working to establish self-value and self-care to ensure lifelong success.


Adolescent Intervention

Adolescent intervention can be difficult because of the unpredictable nature of teenagers and their extreme investment in trying not to get caught. Kids minimize their drug use because they are constantly trying to fly below the radar of parents, teachers and other authority figures. Adolescent drug and alcohol experimentation can be common, but misuse, abuse and even addiction are not normal and need to be curbed before the problem becomes life-threatening. Drug or alcohol users that are teenagers often have a difficult time admitting to the fact that they have a problem and their denial can result in anger, rage, and a desire to do exactly the opposite of what their parents would want. Interventions are used as a last resort, this means often times there is no second chance. So when using an interventionist with an adolescent it is important to have a back up plan such as a transport service that consists of licensed and bonded individuals that can physically transport the teen to treatment safely if things get out of control.

Please contact us for help finding an interventionist or adolescent transport service.

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