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Adolescent Treatment Parents Comments

By October 23, 2024No Comments

November 14, 2008

Hello All Visions Staff:

Thanksgiving is nearing and we wanted to be sure that you know how thankful we are that you have been a part of our lives. One year ago, we received a phone call that our son had overdosed and was on the way to the hospital via ambulance. We were in a state of fear and apprehension. It seemed very likely that he would die from an accidental or intentional overdose.

Today, we hear from our son daily. He talks about his dreams, his program, and his gratitude for this day. The difference in our relationship with him is almost unbelievable! One day last week, he called and mentioned that it was kind of a rough day at school. We listened and told him that tomorrow was another day. His response was, “Don’t get me wrong, a bad day now is better than any good day I used to have.”

Our son had nine months of sobriety on November 15. A couple of months ago, his NA sponsor relapsed and went back out after years of sobriety. He quickly found another sponsor, who is a tech at In Balance Transitional Living. Although we are sorry about his former sponsor, this change has turned out to be pivotal in our son’s recovery. He has worked steps one through six with his new sponsor, and the fact that his sponsor lives on site is an added blessing.

We have read testimonials from past Visions’ parents thanking you for giving them back their son or daughter. What you have given us is a completely new son. Each of you helped to lay the groundwork for the transformation that is taking place day by day in our son. He is learning to love, value, and accept himself; and as a result, to love, value, and accept others. Last week, after a community meeting, our son called home to tell us that he had been moved to tears. He said he never thought he would hear the kinds of things said about him by others that he had heard during that meeting. The fact that his peers recognized the changes in him was very powerful.

Heading into this holiday season, we send our love and gratitude to each of you. Your jobs are difficult, demanding, and often we would imagine, heartbreaking; but…you change lives…you make a difference in this world…you have changed the life of our son.

God bless you all,
With love and gratitude,
Proud Parents of a Visions alumnus

Originally posted on November 29, 2008 @ 2:17 pm

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