Kurtis Girard has been working to positively impact individuals struggling with substance use and mental health afflictions since 2010. He has held a multitude of titles and responsibilities throughout his time working in the treatment field. These positions range from direct client care to oversee of various departments within the field. While in these roles, Kurtis worked effortlessly to provide optimal client support for numerous populations.

In 2014, the role of admissions became a passion for Kurtis. Not long after, he saw the need for client and family mentorship which led him to explore and develop excellent and effective coaching skills. Kurtis has led a diverse range of families through interventions and recovery healing journeys, both through his admissions work, as well as through his work as Certified Intervention Professional. Through his time in the industry, he has received training by various behavioral health pioneers and attended a multitude of training with the goal of improving his effectiveness in his current role.