I am a student at Loyola Marymount working to get my CADAC certification. In my Choice Theory class, we had to make a lesson plan and a syllabus to teach the inmates at CIW, a women’s prison in Chino, CA about Choice Theory. This past Saturday we went to go meet the women at CIW and introduce the material that we will be helping them learn. It was the most amazing experience of my life. The women were so motivated to learn and seemed so excited. They were so open and honest and I got learn about their stories and their lives. It was so humbling, and made me so grateful for what I have in my life today. I could have been one of those women. Some of them were addicts and alcoholics. There was one woman there who had been in that prison for 21 years. It was amazing to me to see that she still hadn’t given up on life, and was here trying to learn so that she could still make better choices. It was so inspiring. I plan on keeping in contact with the women I met there, and being of service to them as best I can. This experience has opened my eyes and made me realize how lucky I am, and how prison isn’t the end for any of us.