
I’m afraid of people at AA meetings. What can I do?

I’m afraid of people at AA meetings. What can I do?

This was a question I was faced with a while back. I would go to AA meetings but I always hung out on the sidelines of the AA meetings. I guess it was fear. Fear that the people in the rooms of AA would not want to hang out with me. But eventually I was so afraid of getting drunk or use drugs again I forced myself to step up. I started small, with a trash commitment. Then I made it a point to arrive early at the AA meetings as opposed to my usual walk in at 7:29pm. I would raise my hand to share even if it was just to check in. These small steps allowed for other people to get to know me. Maybe not in a BFF kind of way, but I have been really blessed in that when I walk into AA meetings now, I feel like I’m home.

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