
Help Me Control My Teen’s Emotions

Help me Control my Teen’s Emotions (Controlling your teen)

The adolescent stage can be a very trying period for kids. They are growing from childhood to adulthood, so often they struggle with being as dependant on their parents as they have been in the past. The biological and physical changes they are going through usually mean that their hormone levels fluctuate greatly resulting in unpredictable mood swings. This is also the time when they face harder classes, meet new teachers, and have to make quite a few new friends. All these factors put together can have an impact on your teen’s emotions.  

It is almost impossible to stop these changes from happening so as a parent you should be thinking of ways to help him or her control their emotions.

  1. Be the role model for healthy emotional self-care

Children learn from their parents. If they see you yell when you are frustrated, they will take it that people should act that way when emotional. Consider walking out of the room to calm down if you are frustrated and losing control of your temper. If you are always acting responsibly in front of your teen, he or she will learn to stay calm in tough situations.

  1. Guide behavior, but don’t punish

When the teen “misbehaves” out of emotions, try to resist the urge to shame or punish them. Consequences will only make them think that what is making them act the way they did is bad. In the future, they will try to repress their emotions, which will only compound the problem. Instead, you can use positive guidance and help them process emotions.

  1. Help them cry it out

Your teen is struggling because they are unable to control their emotions. If you can be available and compassionate, they will feel safe enough to come out and express their frustrations and fears in the open. If you can help them cry, the emotions will drain away with the tears and the acting out will vanish.

Teens need love and there couldn’t be a better time to give it to them in abundance than when they are frustrated. Always reassure them. If they feel appreciated, they will want to cooperate. They will be happier and forget about that “misbehavior.”

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