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Finding Help For Your Daughter’s Depression

By October 25, 2024February 11th, 2025No Comments

Finding Help for Your daughter’s Depression

Children are known to be rebellious, moody, and emotional. This is considered normal childhood behavior. Depression, however, is a whole different thing. It is a mental condition which can linger for weeks or even months.  family-counseling-for-teen-addiction

Girls are more likely to experience depression than boys especially as they approach puberty. Although hormonal changes are not wholly to blame for depression in girls, these changes are known to contribute to pre-adolescent and adolescent stresses.

As a parent, the first thing you have to understand is that depression goes way beyond moodiness. Fortunately, depression in kids is treatable.

  • Avoid assumptions

Talk to the family, school faculty, and fiends about it. It is also wise to take her to a pediatrician to make sure there are no physical issues such as pains, aches, and fatigue.

  • Talk to her

If you show her love and understanding, she is likely to open up to you. To fully understand the causes of your daughter’s depression, you may have to learn more about the condition from a professional or by reading books. Make the communication as voluntary as possible, never pressuring her to talk.

  • Find ways to keep her busy

Insist that they wake up as usual, do the dishes, make their beds and join the family at meals. They should also complete their homework in time. When kids are depressed, they tend to prefer to stay alone, away from others. You shouldn’t let them behave this way. Being depressed should never be an excuse to skip responsibilities. Of course you shouldn’t yell at them, but you have to coach them.

  • Encourage them to find engaging activities

Exercising daily or 3 to 4 times a week will help them forget about their troubles for a while. They can also keep journals, as writing or scribbling will help them express their feelings. They can also often find support from peer and family members whom she’s comfortable sharing her feelings with.

  • Seek professional treatment

If she is not showing signs of improvement after trying this, see a clinical social worker or a professional counselor for help.


Depression affects 5% of adolescents so you should never worry too much if your daughter shows symptoms of being depressed. If you act accordingly, you will help her get through the bad times.

Schedule your consultation or call us at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on March 25, 2014 @ 8:00 am

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