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Find CA Treatment Centers For Depression in Adolescence

By October 28, 2024February 11th, 2025No Comments

Find CA Treatment Centers for Depression in Adolescence

Depression affects 16% of the population in the US. What is astonishing is how many more teens suffer from medical depression as compared to children. From a prevalence rate of just 2% in children, depression is reported to affect up to 7% of adolescents and a massive 20% of teens. This tells you just how vulnerable our sons and daughters are on their way to adulthood. Even worse is the fact that 8% of depression cases in teens usually last longer than a year.  treatment-for-teenage-mental-disorders

Well, depression is now treatable with treatment centers for teen depression, but how many teens are receiving help? Research shows that only one out of five depressed teens receive treatment. This is because these kids rely on their parents, guardians, and teachers to identify their problems and assist them in finding treatment.

As a parent it is therefore important that you learn to differentiate the “bad moods” from medical depression. Teen depression, unlike occasional mood swings, is a serious medical condition that if left unchecked, can lead to alcohol abuse, pregnancy, self-loathing, violence, self injury, and even suicide.


Some of the symptoms you will be looking out for include:

  • Sadness
  • Relentlessness
  • High emotions
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Changes in sleeping and eating habits
  • Lack of energy
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Feeling of worthlessness
  • Lack of motivation

One way of telling whether or not its depression is to consider how long the condition lasts and the impacts it is having on the teen. How much has it changed his or her lifestyle, personality, and behavior?

Seek professional help from treatment centers for teen depression

As soon as you establish that the teen is suffering from depression, you’ll need to immediately inform your doctor. The doctor will start by performing a depression screening, then follow it up with a complete physical exam. Blood samples are usually taken to help determine the cause of the condition.

However, for a complete diagnosis and treatment of depression, your teen will need to see a specialist psychiatrist or psychologist.

For those who live in California, please click below to schedule your consultation or call 866-889-3665 to speak with a specialist at Vision Adolescent Treatment Centers.

Originally posted on May 25, 2014 @ 8:59 am

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