
Helping LGBT Teens Find New Hope and Sobriety

Substance abuse is an issue for adolescents in general, but it is, even more, concerning among LGBT youth. This portion of the population sees alarmingly higher rates of substance abuse and addiction than heterosexual youth, in large part because of the many additional stressors experienced by these teens. Family conflict, bullying and difficulty belonging can all contribute to substance abuse and dependency. It is important for LGBT teens struggling with substance abuse find support and treatment at an adolescent residential rehab center where their sexuality can also be explored comfortably.

Statistics Open Eyes

Studies involving substance abuse among LGBT adolescents have resulted in some eye-opening statistics. According to a meta-analysis performed by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh in 2008, lesbian, gay and bi-sexual students were 190 percent more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol. Bi-sexual teens were 340 percent more likely to experience substance abuse while lesbian teens were 400 percent more likely to struggle with substance abuse.

A Youth Survey from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and Partnership for Drug-Free Kids found that LGBT young adults are 1.3 times more likely to participate in heavy alcohol use, 1.6 times more apt to use marijuana, 2.9 times more time more likely to use injection drugs and 3.3 times more likely to use cocaine. LGB girls appeared to have a higher risk factor for substance abuse than boys in this category.

Cause and Effect

There are many possible reasons why substance abuse is so much higher among LGBT teens. Some of those factors might include:

Family Conflicts and Rejection – When sexual orientation and gender identity take their toll on family relationships, the teens at the center of the conflict are often the ones that suffer the most. The Youth Survey found that less than half of LGBT teens felt like they had an adult they could turn to for any type of help, versus 79 percent of heterosexual teens. Researchers at San Francisco State University found that substance abuse decreases among LGBT youth in direct proportion to the family’s acceptance of their sexualc orientation and gender identity.

Bullying and Harassment – LGBT youth are more likely to face bullying at school and in other places, whether it is face-to-face or online through social media. In 2011, approximately 21 percent of all hate crimes involved the victim’s sexual orientation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that in seven states between 2001 and 2009, LGB students threatened or injured with a weapon on school property ranged from 12-28 percent.

Discrimination – Minority stress is another issue for many LGBT youth, as many of them are harassed by peers and rejected by their own families. Even those that were not harassed directly may be affected by negative messages they see and hear about their sexual orientation in the media. Even when they received positive support and affirmation from those closest to them, the general attitudes in today’s society about LGBT men and women can create stress and tension in their lives.

Violence and Victimization – LGBT teens are also frequent victims of various types of violence. In 2001, a report by Human Rights Watch stated, “Gay youth spend an inordinate amount of energy plotting…how to become invisible so they will not be verbally or physically attacked…No child should have to go to school in survival mode.” The CDC found that gay and lesbian students are also more likely to be victims of dating violence and are more frequently forced into sexual intercourse at some point during their lives.

Peer Influence – LGBT teens, like all teens, feel a strong urge to fit in with their peers. Unfortunately, because LGBT youth tend to bond together, the incidence of substance abuse continues to spread among this population. When these adolescents find other teens to befriend, they are often more willing to try and use substances to “fit in” than heterosexual teens.

LGBT and Mental Illness

Another factor working against LGBT adolescents is the high incidence of mental illness among this population. The constant stress these teens face can lead to anxiety, depression and other mental disorders. The Institute of Medicine has noted that while the majority of LGBT teens are happy and well-adjusted, there is a higher rate of mental health problems among these kids. They are also more likely to attempt suicide at a rate 2-7 times higher than the heterosexual population.

Research has also found LGBT adolescents are more likely to:

  • Experience feelings of sadness or hopelessness (19.3-29 percent for heterosexual students vs. 288-52.2 percent of LGB teens)
  • Seriously consider suicide (9.9-13.2 percent of heterosexual students vs. 18.8-43.4 percent of gay and lesbian students)
  • Attempt suicide one or more times (3.8-9.6 percent of heterosexual teens vs. 15.1-34.3 percent of gay and lesbian teens)

Researchers have also found that the fact that these teens are LGBT is not necessarily the catalyst that increases their risk for mental health disorders. In many cases, it is the reaction to their gender identity and sexual orientation from others that leads to the serious symptoms of mental illness.

Effective Treatment

Helping LGBT youth overcome substance abuse and dependency can be infinitely more complex than helping heterosexual teens along that same road. Providing specific support and therapy for these adolescents in both their sexuality and their substance abuse is absolutely necessary in order for these kids to achieve successful, long-lasting sobriety. At the same time, the entire family unit must be supported to help everyone come to terms with the reality of the teen’s sexual orientation.

At Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers, we offer teens a safe space to walk through their process, whether they are coming out as gay or bisexual, transitioning or questioning their gender or sexuality. We also provide support to parents that are dealing with a parallel process as well as their own unique grieving process while a teen is in transition.

Our individualized approach to treatment at our adolescent residential rehab center allows us to meet all of our clients where they are at, gender or otherwise. We collaborate with leading professionals and specialists regarding gender identity issues and connect families with local resources and support groups to continue the therapeutic process after residential treatment. To learn more, contact Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on April 4, 2016 @ 11:39 am

Addiction Substance Abuse

Social Media, Teen Girls and Substance Abuse

The impact of social media on teen girls may be highly underestimated, according to author Nancy Jo Sales. Sales recently released a book, American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers, in which she interviewed dozens of teens about their social media and Internet use. The findings of those interviews sheds light on the pressures faced by this demographic, as well as the sexism and misogyny played out against these young women. When these new findings are coupled with statistics showing an increase in substance abuse among teens on social networks, concerns over social media use become even more alarming.

Social Media and Self-Worth
In her interviews with more than 200 girls, Sales discovered that many of these young women were very disturbed by the impact social media was having on their self-worth and their relationships. The angst of making a post and failing to get enough “likes,” the negative comments that seem to come so easily in the anonymity of social platforms and the anxiety over missing messages is just one more source of worry for girls that already have enough drama on their plates.

Teens are increasingly communicating without face-to-face contact, which opens the door for all types of communication problems. First, written messages can be easily misconstrued, resulting in conflicts that might not ever happen with a more personalized approach. Second, the ease in which other teens can make inappropriate or hurtful responses creates a much more hostile environment for some teens. With most adolescents using a variety of social media platforms in addition to texting to communicate with others, the potential for conflicts increases as well.

Social Media and Sex
The way in which girls are sexualized on social media is an alarming and widespread problem. Sales opens her book with an account about a 13-year-old girl that received an Instagram request for “noodz,” nude photos of herself, from a boy she did not know well. Other girls the same age told Sales they had been threatened with rumors and other types of humiliation by boys if they refused to send the requested photos.

Unfortunately, when girls comply with these requests, the trauma often multiplies. The photos can, and often are, shared with groups of people. This typically occurs without the girl’s consent and most of the time, the girl doesn’t even know about the situation until a friend alerts her to the fact her pictures are out in public view.

In some cases, Sales discovered groupings of these photos are posted on what have become known as “slut pages.” Sales compares them to an amateur pornography site, which they basically are. Often referred to in the media as “sexting rings,” Sales found these pages existed in nearly every school she visited during the research of her book.

The Cyberbullying Problem
Cyberbullying is another huge problem brought on by the prevalence of social media. According to studies conducted by the Cyberbullying Research Center, as many as one-fourth of teens surveyed said they had been a victim of cyberbullying. Around 16 percent of those surveyed admitted to being perpetrators in such attacks.

PEW Internet Research found that teens that witnessed cyberbullying on social media rarely saw anyone come to the defense of the victim. In fact, as many as 95 percent said they have seen others ignore the bullying behavior completely. Two-thirds said they saw others join the initial cyberbully, ganging up on the victim online.

Cyberbullying is seen as an easier way to torment a peer secretly. Bullies say they participate in the behavior for a variety of reasons, including to show off to friends, to be mean or for entertainment. A large percentage of those actively involved in cyberbullying were also involved in some form of sexting.

Social Media and Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is another concern associated with social media networks. A study by CASAColumbia (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University) found that teens that are on social media sites daily are:

  • Five times more likely to use tobacco
  • Three times more likely to use alcohol
  • Twice as likely to use marijuana

The study also found that 40 percent of teens have seen pictures on social media of other teens drunk, passed out or high on drugs. Around three-quarters of those teens admitted seeing the images encouraged them to use drugs and alcohol as well. Those teens were also more likely to have friends that abuse street and prescription drugs, another risk factor for their own substance abuse.

Prevalence of Social Media among Teens
Social media has made its way into every culture and economic level of this country. Last year, PEW Research Center found that nearly one-fourth of teens go online “almost constantly,” fueled by the abundance of mobile devices like smartphones. As many as 92 percent said they were online daily.

The most frequently used social media platform for teens continues to be Facebook. However, teens are also logging onto Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Google+ in large proportions. Texting is another important method of communication among teens, with the average teen sending and receiving around 30 texts daily.

Prevalence of social media use is even more problematic in light of the fact that few parents know or understand exactly what their kids are doing on these platforms and they are unaware of the potential dangers lurking online. One teen told Sales, “Sexism has filtered into new arenas that adults don’t see or understand because they are not using social media the same way. They think, how can there be anything wrong here if it’s just Snapchat or Instagram – it’s just a game.”

Unfortunately, statistics and anecdotal reports from the teen users of social media are telling a very different story. Sales rescecomends that Silicon Valley spend more time finding ways to stop cyberbullying and the online exploitation of children. She also urged parents to get off their own phones and talk to their kids.

The adolescent residential rehab center Visions is aware of the problems associated with social media, because we see those issues with some of our own patients. If your teen is struggling with substance abuse as a result of social media trauma or other reasons, we can help. Contact our counseling center today at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on March 14, 2016 @ 1:16 pm

Addiction Adolescence Alcohol Mental Health

What is “Normal”? Signs of Mental Illness in Teens

The teen years are filled with emotional ups and downs and sudden mood swings. How can you tell whether your teen’s behavior is normal or an indication something might be wrong? Parents of teens may worry that their teen is exhibiting symptoms of a mental illness, but they may not be sure how to identify the condition or talk to their teen about what they are seeing. The staff at Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers has some of the early signs of mental illness to watch for and what to do if you see those signs in your own child.

The Prevalence of Mental Illness

According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI), around 20 percent of youth between the ages of 13 and 18 suffer from a mental health condition. Some of those teens will turn to drugs or alcohol to “self-medicate” their symptoms, creating a substance abuse disorder in addition to a mental illness. A significant portion of those youth also drop out of high school or end up in the juvenile justice system. Common mental illnesses that develop during the teen years include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Behavior disorders
  • Eating disorders

Half of all mental illnesses begin by the age of 14. Another 25 percent occur by the age of 27. The earlier these illnesses are identified and treated, the better prognosis both during the teen years and into adulthood.

Signs of Mental Illness

There are a number of possible signs your teen may be suffering from a mental illness:

  • Mood shifts out of character from your teen’s usual mood fluctuations
  • Withdrawal from family, friends and activities
  • Difficulty in school or relationship problems with friends
  • Behavioral changes that make your child seem like a different person
  • Weight loss without any clear cause
  • Risk-taking behavior completely out of character for your teen
  • Signs of drug or alcohol use that could indicate your teen is self-medicating
  • Symptoms of sadness that last more than a week or two
  • Suicidal thoughts or ideations

Any one of these signs alone may not necessarily be a problem, but if you begin to see a pattern that is different from what your teen usually displays, don’t wait to seek guidance and assistance. Talk to your teen about what you have observed – you may be met with resistance, but at least your child will see that you care and you are willing to get the necessary help. The sooner you get your teen the medical support needed, the less likely your child will be to turn to drugs and alcohol as a means of dealing with their illness. If drug or alcohol use is already present, Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers can help. Contact us today at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on December 18, 2015 @ 1:11 pm

Addiction Depression Mental Health Self-Harm Suicide

What Parents Need to Know About Cutting

Cutting is a form of self-injury or SI. Contrary to how it might seem to someone on the outside looking in, cutting is not a way to get attention. It is not a suicide attempt. Cutting is a sign that the person is in deep emotional pain and that pain must be addressed before the self-injuring behavior can stop. If you suspect your child is self-injuring, there are some basic facts about this behavior that you need to know.

What does Cutting Look Like?
Cutting can be done with any sharp object found around the house; razors, thumbtacks, scissors or even the edge of a soda can pop top. The cuts usually occur on the arms, but some teens also cut on the thighs or abdomen. Most cuts are straight lines, although some teens might also cut words into skin to reflect their deep feelings leading to their self-injury.

Common symptoms of cutting might include:

• Fresh cuts or scratches
• Scars along the arms or other areas
• Sharp objects in the trash or hidden in the teen’s bedroom
• Wearing long sleeves even on hot days
• Spending longer periods of time alone
• Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness
• Other disorders, such as an eating disorder or substance abuse
• Extreme mood shifts or out-of-control behavior

Hiding the Pain

Kids that cut may find some type of emotional relief from the behavior, but they also know it is not “right” or “normal” to others. They will make every effort to hide their cutting, wearing clothing that covers up the injuries and scars or lying about how the injuries occurred. Parents often feel

Cutting is a form of self-injury or SI. Contrary to how it might seem to someone on the outside looking in, cutting is not a way to get attention. It is not a suicide attempt. Cutting is a sign that the person is in deep emotional pain and that pain must be addressed before the self-injuring behavior can stop. If you suspect your child is self-injuring, there are some basic facts about this behavior that you need to know.

The Pain Principle
If cutting is not done to get attention, why do kids do it? In most cases, kids begin cutting because they are experiencing deep emotional pain – from an event like a death, previous abuse or intense stress or anxiety. The cutting actually relieves the emotional pain, almost like drugs or alcohol numb the senses.

Teens that cut are not looking to end their lives from this behavior. However, there are cases where the cutting goes deeper than the person intended, requiring stitches or even hospitalization. Kids that cut are also suffering deep emotional issues that could lead to suicidal thoughts and ideations in the future if the issues are not addressed.

Cutting is a serious problem that can become almost addictive over time. The behavior is often associated with food addictions or substance use disorders. If your teen is cutting, help is available. Contact Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers today at 866-889-3665 to learn more about cutting or get the help your child needs.

Originally posted on November 10, 2015 @ 2:52 pm

Addiction Marijuana

Marijuana Use and Early Puberty: New Study

The legalization of pot for both medicinal and recreational purposes in a number of states has raised concerns that users will begin to view this substance as safe and even beneficial. This trend may be particularly troubling among young users, particularly since marijuana has been linked to impaired brain development and function. Now, a new study has found that marijuana use at a young age may also lead to early puberty, while stunting growth in young men.

Marijuana, Growth and Puberty
Researchers from Pir Mehr Ali Shah Agriculture University Rawalpindi in Pakistan compared 217 boys with marijuana use disorders to 220 non-smoking boys. They focused on differences in puberty and growth hormones, using blood tests to determine the precise level of hormones in all of the test subjects. The scientists also measured levels of the stress hormone cortisol, using saliva samples from some of the marijuana users.

The study found that hormones related to puberty, including testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) were at higher levels in the marijuana users than in the non-smoking group. This finding indicates that puberty may come at an earlier age for the marijuana users, since the hormones were present earlier. These findings are concerning for a number of reasons, including the fact that early puberty has been linked to a younger onset of drinking and smoking.

At the same time, researchers found a decrease in the levels of growth hormones in the marijuana using group. When the marijuana-using subjects were checked again at the age of 20, they were found to be an average of 4.6 inches shorter and nine pounds lighter than their non-smoking counterparts.

Marijuana and Stress
Researchers also found elevated levels of cortisol in the boys that used marijuana regularly. The scientists theorized that the increase in the stress hormone may be a factor in the suppression of growth and the stimulation of early puberty. The findings may also support previous studies that indicate marijuana may actually exacerbate symptoms of anxiety, rather than alleviating them.

The Prevalence of Marijuana Use
Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit substance in the U.S. today. Nearly half of all Americans said they have tried marijuana, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that 11.7 percent of eighth graders had used marijuana in 2014.

Legalization of the drug has led to mistaken perceptions that the drug is safe. However, like other illicit substances, marijuana can be habit-forming and lead to serious and long-term damage to the mind and body. If you are struggling with marijuana abuse, contact Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers today at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on October 30, 2015 @ 1:59 pm

Addiction Marijuana

Study Finds More People are Smoking Pot

A new study has found that pot use has been on the rise for the past decade, along with marijuana use disorders. While many have touted this drug as safe in recent years, primarily for the purpose of legalizing its use, statistics and studies continue to indicate those claims do not hold as much water as people would like to think. With more people smoking pot than ever before, it is important to educate yourself about the dangers associated with this drug and the possible ramifications of this legalization trend.

Marijuana Use Doubles, Study Finds
Researchers looked at data from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, which consisted of face-to-face individuals between 2001 and 2002 and again between 2012 and 2013. The interviews asked about marijuana use within the past year, as well as potential signs or a diagnosis of marijuana abuse or dependency. More than 43,000 responses were examined from 2001-2002 and more than 36,000 were assessed from 2012-2013.

The study found that marijuana use increased from four percent of adults in 2001-2002 to 10 percent in 2012-2013. At the same time, marijuana abuse increased from 1.5 percent to three percent, indicating the drug may be more addictive than legalization proponents claim. Increases were particularly noted among African-Americans, Hispanics and women. The age range for marijuana use also broadened, with increases seen among middle-aged adults and seniors.

Not Limited to Adults
While this recent study was limited to adults in the U.S., increased use among teens has also been noted. A report from the National Institutes of Health in 2013 found an increasing number of teenagers do not see marijuana as harmful, which has led to an increased use among this demographic as well. In 2003, around six percent of 12th graders said they had used pot, compared to 6.5 percent that said they used marijuana regularly in 2013. A growing number of teens have also determined that pot use is not harmful, a concerning statistic to those working with teens and adults struggling with marijuana abuse.

At the same time marijuana use is on the rise, legalization of the substance is spreading. Currently, 23 states have legalized pot for medicinal use, while four have legalized it for recreational use. Other states have legalizations questions on future ballots, indicating this issue is likely to become more widespread.

At Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers, we have seen firsthand the toll marijuana abuse can take on teen and their families. We offer treatment programs to help teens overcome their substance addiction and discover new life in sobriety. To get help today, contact Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on October 22, 2015 @ 1:42 pm

Addiction Adolescence Recovery

Predicting Adolescent Recovery

A new study has identified a factor that can help to predict the success of adolescent recovery after substance addiction. Researchers have discovered that mastery of one’s thinking could help to predict reduced use of substances like marijuana and cocaine over time. This new study could shed light on how brain function might impact addiction treatment and recovery. It might also provide clues in how utilizing a reward system could improve the outcome of the recovery process for some teens and adults.

Measuring Inhibitory Control
Taking control over one’s thinking processes is guided by areas of the frontal lobe of the brain. While the activation of these areas can be measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), it cannot be accurately measured by behavioral testing. Instead, scientists used a cognitive test, known as antisaccadic test evaluation, which provided a more thorough assessment of inhibition control. Researchers were also able to add another factor to this evaluation – financial reward – to determine the effect these types of rewards had on impulse control.

The study, which was published in the journal Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, found that adolescents with greater inhibition control were less likely to have a substance use disorder or SUD. However, adolescents were also able to increase their inhibition control through a positive reward system that was based on their performance. This was the case regardless of other factors like the amount of alcohol consumed or the symptoms of SUD.

Young Males Subject of Study
A total of 14 teens were included in this study, with subjects averaging 17 years of age. The large majority (93 percent) were Caucasian and nearly three-fourths were male. All of the test subjects had average IQ levels, 29 percent met the criteria for ADHD, 43 percent for conduct disorder and 21 percent for major depressive disorder. Study outcomes were based on frequency and total days of substance use, as well as substance use six months after baseline.

Takeaways from this study include the fact that adolescents with greater activation of the area of the brain guiding inhibition control tended to see better results in their efforts to overcome their SUDs. Those the received performance-based rewards could improve their inhibition control to help them overcome an SUD. Overall, this study may help those working in addiction recovery to better understand the workings of the adolescent brain and their ability to succeed in SUD intervention. This knowledge can ensure the proper tools are employed during treatment to ensure a higher quality success rate in the recovery process overall.

Originally posted on October 14, 2015 @ 5:08 pm

Addiction Adolescence Marijuana

What is “Dabbing”?

Dabbing, a new way of getting “high” from the active ingredient in marijuana, is quickly gaining popularity today, particularly with the younger crowd of marijuana users. The highly concentrated oil is nearly as dangerous to make as it is to smoke, raising serious concerns about the rising fad. For those concerned about the marijuana use of friends or loved ones, there are some facts about dabbing you need to know.

What are “Dabs”?
Dabs, also known as butane hash oil or BHO, are waxy concentrates created by extracting THC – the active ingredient in marijuana. Extraction is done using butane, which is a highly flammable gas. The extract left from the process is up to four times more potent than standard marijuana, producing a more powerful high with a very small amount of the substance.

Dabbing has actually been around for a number of decades, but only recently has it come into popularity with regular drug users. Now, those interested in dabbing can find information on social media and YouTube videos, presenting a serious danger for DIY dabbers that try to make the substance at home.

Dangerous Extraction
Because the process of extraction is done using highly flammable materials, there have been numerous reports of explosions and fires involving those that have tried to make the substance in their homes. In addition, the extraction process is far from an exact science, which leaves the user unsure of the additional ingredients that might make their way into the dabs. These substances might include dangerous chemicals and gases, including residual butane and benzene.

Powerful Drug
THC concentrations found in dabbing can be as much as 90 percent, while concentrations of THC in standard marijuana are closer to 10-15 percent. This potent mix has led to hallucinations, unconsciousness and hospital visits for some users. Because the high is so strong, most that begin dabbing will be unable to go back to herbal marijuana and get a satisfactory high. This may lead some dabbers to move to other types of drugs in an effort to mimic the effects.

There are also concerns that the potency of dabbing can lead to tolerance of the drug, which means more of the substance will be needed to achieve the same effects. Tolerance to drugs can also lead to abuse and dependency over time.

As concerns about dabbing continue to grow, legalization of marijuana in many states for both medicinal and recreational purposes only serves to feed the worry. If you are struggling with marijuana abuse of any kind, we can help. Contact Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers today at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on October 9, 2015 @ 3:25 pm

Addiction Alcohol Marijuana

The Link between Sleep Patterns and Substance Abuse

The link between sleep and substance abuse has been widely studied, particularly in regards to the sleep problems that can arise as a result of drug or alcohol abuse. However, recent studies have also shown a reverse relationship, suggesting poor sleep patterns can also help predict which teens may be drawn to substance use. As more studies show a compelling association between sleep and substance abuse, parents may be able to use this information to lower the risk of substance use by their teens through helping them form healthy sleep habits.

Sleep Patterns and Alcohol or Marijuana Use
Teens that tend to stay up later at night are also more likely to have used marijuana or alcohol within the past month, a new study from the Rand Corporation has found. Researchers asked more than 2,500 teens from 16 middle schools in Southern California about their total nightly sleep time, as well as their marijuana and alcohol use once they reached high school. All of the surveys were completed between May 2013 and April 2014.

“Our findings suggest that sleep issues are independently associated with alcohol and marijuana use for teens, not just a marker for other risk factors, such as depression,” Wendy Troxel, lead author for the study, was quoted as saying in a Rand Corporation press release. However, researchers cautioned that their findings did not determine a cause and effect, so it was unknown if sleep problems simply predict alcohol and marijuana use or actually lead to it.

Sleep Problems May Lead to Binge Drinking
The Rand Corporation study is not the first to show a compelling association between lack of sleep and drug and alcohol abuse. Earlier this year, researchers at Idaho State University studied more than 6,500 teenagers to determine a link between sleep and alcohol problems. Through interviews and questionnaires, the scientists found that sleep issues appeared to be a potential predictor of substance abuse.

Specified sleep problems encompassed difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep, as well as sleeping too little. Specific drug and alcohol issues linked to sleep problems in this study included:

  • Getting drunk or high
  • Binge drinking
  • Driving under the influence
  • Risky sexual behavior regretted later
  • Use of illegal drugs

Although sleep may be an important factor in whether a teen might use or abuse substances, it is certainly not the only one. There are many circumstances that could play into whether an adolescent will choose to use drugs or alcohol. If you suspect your teen is abusing these substances, the professionals at Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers can help. Contact us today at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on August 21, 2015 @ 1:09 pm

Addiction Alcohol Recovery

5 Facts Parents Need to Know about Substance Abuse and Addiction

The teenage years can be a tumultuous time, which lead to drug and alcohol use during these years. Parents need to know the facts about substance use and abuse to help their children overcome temptations and pressures to try substances. Below are five basic facts parents need to know about substance abuse and addiction.

Experimenting with Substances is not a Normal “Rite of Passage”

Some parents make the mistake of assuming that experimentation with drugs and alcohol during the teen years is a normal “rite of passage.” After all, they had their wild moments back in their heyday, so it stands to reason their kids will do the same. However, drugs like marijuana are much more dangerous today than they were in the decades when today’s parents were teens. Even casual use can lead to addiction and even death.

Substance Abuse Often Goes Hand-in-Hand with Mental Illness

A high percentage of teens abusing substances may also have a diagnosable mental illness like anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder. To ensure a successful recovery, both the mental illness and the substance abuse must be addressed and treated. Parents need to be aware of this potential and watch for symptoms of mental illness that may require diagnosis and treatment.

There are Identifiable Risk Factors for Substance Abuse

While you can’t always predict the teens that will struggle with substance abuse, there are some specific risk factors to recognize. Common risks for teen drug and alcohol abuse include:

  • A family history of substance abuse
  • Early behavioral issues like aggressive or disruptive behavior
  • Mental illnesses like depression or anxiety
  • Disorders like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Biggest Dangers Not Always from Alcohol and Marijuana

Many parents make the mistake of focusing on alcohol and marijuana when evaluating their teens for substance use. However, two other categories of drugs have become increasingly dangerous for teen users in recent years. Prescription drug abuse, involving pain medications, stimulants or depressants, has gone up significantly. Inhalants, involving many common household products, are also a notable danger for teens and even pre-teens today.

Parents can be a Positive Influence in Whether a Teen Uses

Parents often think they have little or no influence over their teenagers during these rebellious years. However, research has shown that setting strong boundaries in the home, making it clear drug use is unacceptable and having regular conversations with your children about drug and alcohol use can make a significant difference in whether teens will use during this period. Don’t be afraid to address the issue of drugs and alcohol with your teens, because if you don’t, someone else very well might.

At Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers, we work with teens and their families every day to help them overcome substance addiction and discover a healthy, sober lifestyle. To get more information about substance abuse or treatment options, contact Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on August 11, 2015 @ 12:00 am

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