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Who Offers Individualized Addiction Treatment For Children in California

By October 25, 2024February 11th, 2025No Comments

As parents we never expect to be asking ourselves this question; yet denying that it applies to our child is to stand by and watch them surrender themselves fully to addiction, and possibly watch them forever be out of reach of our help.  You anticipate that you will give your child all the best of everything; that you can provide for them better than your parent’s did for you and that they will grow up to be healthy and happy; one never foresees the depths and devastation of addiction taking hold of our child and removing from them every joy and bit of family peace your home once had.

So just where do parents turn when their worst nightmare has come true and addiction has stolen from them the single most important thing in their life? Parents can turn to Visions Teen Treatment Facility in Southern California. 50% of Visions Teen program participants come from the state of California; the other 50% come from around the U.S. and even countries outside the U.S.  Teens come from all over because Visions Teen offers a specific individualized treatment plan that addresses not only the addiction of your teen, but the affects the addiction has had upon the family, and we structure specific treatments to promote recovery for the entire family.

Our Visions Teen programs offer recovery treatments to meet all three of the basic needs addicted teens have; problems that affect them substantially physically, mentally and spiritually.  We design an individualized program to meet the physical and mental needs of your teen and discover the root of the problems and the best methods of treatment for the teen’s entire condition, both in their addiction as well as their mental health. Our programs are fully encompassing, offering your teen a choice of treatment in a residential setting, outpatient care, and long term residential treatment.

Each teen will have a team of professionals to address the underlying reasons behind their drug use and mental distress.  Participants are assessed and seen by a psychiatrist; a therapist, who works in conjunction with the family; a counselor and mentor. The Visions Teen treatment philosophy ensures that your teen always has someone to speak to aid them in addressing their subconscious reasons for drug use. Let Vision Teen aid your family in returning to the healthy state you thought forever lost; our counselors are standing by at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on March 26, 2014 @ 6:59 pm

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