One of the things I really appreciate and respect about Scott is how thoughtful he is in regard to what he says and how he mindfully interacts with those around him. He doesn’t say anything unless it necessary or true, making him someone worth listening to. Because of that quality, Scott is a really skilled listener. In the time I’ve known Scott, I can tell you that he is one of those people who means what he says and says what he means. He is kind and gentle but understands the need to hold firm boundaries with the clients. The kids in our programs are lucky to have him in their lives and so are we.
Read on for some particularly kind words from some of the Visions team:
“Ah Scotttt! I love Scott! It’s like all of the good things in life got together and said, ‘HERE YA GO! ENJOY!’ He’s a great person to be around and on those days at Visions when everything is chaos, he is just serenity incarnate…to me and Aleks at least.” – Janette Duran
“Scott is one of my favorite heroes. He is a gentle soul, well-liked and respected by the kids and his peers. Also, if you don’t already know this, he is an artist extraordinaire. I have an original Davenport hanging in my studio. Thanks Scott, you are the best.” – Susan “Art Lady” O’Connor
“Scott is definitely the calm in the storm. His kindness combined with his dead-on assessment with what’s going on with the clients makes him great support for both the kids and his co-workers!!” — Katie Mason
“Scott does a great job with the kids, very calm and patient.” – Bill Hoban
“Love the guy; effortless person to work with. I think this is in part due to Scott being a mindful practitioner of the team approach. It’s really an equal two-way street with him or a live-and-let-live-through-mutual cooperation kind of vibe.
A grounded, consistent and calming force he is. Yes, that last sentence sounded like Yoda. He’d dig that, I think.” – Roger L’Heauralt
“Who would have ever thought that the young man seeming not to pay attention when he was a client at IOP would turn into one of Visions’ brightest stars! Scott is such an amazing mentor for our clients. His steady, patient and quiet way adds a feeling of calm to the days that seem so hectic. He has truly grown into an amazing employee, friend and man in the time that we have known him. Scott has stepped up into the large shoes Brian left when he moved to Latigo and has not missed a step. He is always thinking of the clients’ best interests and will show up for any crisis or for a skate!” – Amanda and Chris Shumow
Our staff blogs wouldn’t be the same without some insight from those we’re honoring. Of course we asked Scott to answer our 10 questions, and of course, he answered them with the same thoughtful, mindful qualities we can expect. Read on:
1: Favorite movie of all time?
2: Who is your hero?
My Dad
3: Last book you read?
Neuromancer by William Gibson
4: If you could have been any person from history, who would it be and why?
MLK – He stood for so many important, great things. He made a profound difference for our country and for humanity without using violence or hate.
5: Best late-night LA haunt?
I don’t have a lot of late nights. Favorite morning place – sitting outside in the sun with a cup of coffee.
6: Do you sing in the shower?
Yes, I always have weird songs stuck in my head first thing when I wake up in the morning.
7: What is your most memorable skateboarding story?
I think I hit my head once but I don’t remember?
8: Describe yourself in 3 words.
Generous, optimistic, honest.
9: What inspires you?
Beautiful places, animals, morning, good people, hard working people, funny things, being outside.
10: Why do you choose to work for Visions?
I love the people I get to work with. Visions seems to have a unique way of helping teenagers without being cutesy or treating them like children, something I really needed and appreciated when I was a client. I was always treated with respect and compassion and was usually guided by positive examples rather than told what to do. It is something that has stuck with me that I would like to give back.
Originally posted on March 7, 2013 @ 10:12 pm