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Sobriety and Art

By October 22, 2024No Comments

Sobriety and Art

When I first got sober, I was afraid that I would loose my ability to create music and art. Even though I was interested in giving sobriety a real try, I though about using again just because I thought my creativity would suffer. When I have thoughts like this one, I learned it is better to share them with someone else to get some insight. My sponsor told me to give it some time and to have faith in the process.
What I learned over time is when you aren’t using drugs and alcohol, there is no filter or block on your creativity. Kind of like “art is all you have.” Also, there are no distractions from your art of choice. You get more creative with you’re time and your work gets more intense because you have no blinders on. Also, when you are creating music, it’s a little easier to keep a band together when people aren’t drunkenly fighting or showing up late to practice. In the beginning of sobriety, the absence of drugs and alcohol makes you feel naked. Especially when making all kinds of art, but you can take that vulnerable feeling, all of your fear, anger and passion and channel it to your art rather than just snuffing out these emotions with substances to just end up being ides that never get off the ground.
By Cheryl Lindsey


Originally posted on February 24, 2008 @ 8:55 am

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