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What To Look For When Choosing a Program For Troubled Youth

By November 5, 2024February 11th, 2025No Comments

Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers was founded in 2002 under the mission of providing cutting edge mental health, substance abuse and family treatment. Visions treatment programs for troubled youth have catered to adolescents from southern California, New York City, Chicago and international countries by promoting emotional and cognitive development. Some children do not handle problems as well as adults since they are in a crucial stage of physical and mental development. Young ones can easily be led down the wrong path due to contradictions in their values and belief systems, and environmental considerations such as strong peer influences. Visions Treatment Centers guide youngsters through challenging times of a crucial stage and helps them cope with the struggles of daily life.

Visions Treatment Centers programs for troubled youth is open to ages 13 to 18 years old. Each child receives therapy adjusted according to age and specific needs. Therapy sessions, group counseling and family counseling are offered at the center. Diagnosis by a Medical Doctor determines the program available such as Visions Outpatient Counseling, Day School and Adolescent Residential Treatment.

Visions Adolescent Outpatient Counseling has two Los Angeles centers dedicated to treatment programs for troubled youth in a controlled environment. The child is able to receive help a few hours during the day then go home in the evening to family and friends for support. Involvement from a family member or legal guarding is required for a successful outcome. Visions Outpatient Treatment Centers take various approaches for aiding a youngster in reaching a resolution.

  • Guide in identifying problems that would prompt a relapse.
  • Assist in identifying harmful coping mechanisms
  • The child is taught to learn effective problem-solving strategies.
  • Activities that allow for feelings of being stronger and in control to become independent.
  • The youth finds positive attributes from within to gain a feeling of self-worth.
  • Being among peers with similar issues teach the youngster to form social relationships.

Visions Adolescent Day School provides programs for troubled youth in an environment for students who are unable to thrive in a mainstream institute due to mental health, emotional traumas or behavioral problems. The child is able to be fully aware of the surrounding and keep perspective during difficulties. Tutoring is available as needed during and outside regular school days.

Some features of the Day School programs for troubled youth include:

  • WASC Accredited Curriculum (Western Association of Schools and Colleges)
  • Transferable Accredited Curriculum
  • Educational Services from Remedial to Honors Level
  • 3 to 1 Student to Staff Ratio
  • Individualized 1-on-1 Instruction
  • Random Weekly Drug Testing
  • College Preparation

Visions Residential Treatment Center programs for troubled youth is uniquely situated on a private 25 acre gated community in the hills of Malibu, California. A Mediterranean style home conveys a sense of comfort and security in a home-like setting where youths are exposed to peers of similar problems making them feel at ease. Sleeping quarters are separate for Male and Female patients with two per room under supervision of a day and evening staff. Crisis intervention is always available and ready on a 24-hour basis. The average stay is between 45 to 90 days depending on symptoms severity and psychosocial stressors.

Programs for troubled youth only succeed when staffed by a wide range of highly skilled professionals. Visions children are assigned their own licensed therapist and counselor who guide them through the entire therapy process. Art Therapists aid in creating interpretive art to be used in the treatment plan. An Equine Therapist uses horses for assistance in learning to identify feelings and thoughts that may be difficult in traditional therapy. A Registered Dietitian plans nutritious meals with appropriate caloric intake and provides dietary consultation as needed. All counseling is performed under the supervision of a Program Director. Visions additional treatment team consists of specialized consultants in the following areas:

  • Medical Doctors
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrist
  • Supervising Nurse
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Informed Programming

When searching programs for troubled youth, choose one that will commit to work with the child in a comprehensive process by going beyond the Therapeutic Program. Visions Treatment Center students stay up to date on lesson plans as classes are provided three hours each weekday with application of a personalized curriculum. An Activities Consultant leads the physical fitness program “tailor-made” for each patient with focus on releasing nervous tensions.

Visions programs for troubled youth upholds a policy of treating the family as a whole unit. The residential treatment program includes family-focus therapies for a minimum of five hours a week.

Multi-Family Group is held every Saturday. A Family Therapist leads the group in addressing issues common to all families such as communication, conflict handling, and maintaining boundaries.

Individual Family Sessions allow each member of a patient’s group to openly speak their mind in a private setting. Individual sessions provide the family members with a way to address issues under the supervision of a Family Therapist.

Family Education provides residents and families with information on common issues experienced by others in the group. The youth and family members develop an understanding of typical roles played by members of other families.

Family Passes are exclusive rewards for children who behave accordingly. Sunday and Monday are designated for outings to museums, movies, beach, go-cart racing, community service, ropes courses and rock climbing.

Patients completing the active treatment programs for troubled youth have the option to enroll in Visions Alumni Program, The Fourth Dimension. Children participate in a variety of aftercare groups and self-help groups.

  • Aftercare Groups Offered on an On-going Basis to All Residents.
  • Residents Attend Up to Two Aftercare Groups Weekly.
  • Individual Sessions are Available to Alumni on a Fee for Service Basis.
  • Support Call Received from Visions Alumni Coordinator.

Visions Residential is a private pay program and full payment is required from the family. Our team will assist with insurance benefit verification & utilization review. Visions Outpatient works out of network with insurance. We will provide the following serviced to our Outpatient families: Benefit Verification, Pre-Authorization, Utilization Review, Billing & Collections.

Trust Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers when choosing programs for troubled youth. The center focuses on clinically-base treatment designed for substance abuse, drug addiction and troubled children. The original founding clinicians have been maintained while adding several dynamic team members for continued growth in the program. Only a few treatment centers offer such compelling and diverse technique in a treatment plan.

Early intervention produces a greater chance for your child to have a successful recovery. Please click here to schedule your consultation or call us at 866-889-3665

Originally posted on June 4, 2014 @ 2:24 pm

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