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I Felt Empowered and Free at the Salton Sea

By October 23, 2024February 11th, 2025No Comments

Yesterday I went on an adventure on the way back to LA from Phoenix. I’d pulled off the 10 to get gas and saw signs to the Salton Sea. I had never been there before and had no idea what it was so I figured, what the hay? Might as well. I followed the road off into the desert and came upon the sea. I was so surprised to see such a huge body of water pop into sight that I just started laughing out loud by myself in the car. It was amazing. I pulled into the state park and got out of my car. No one was around and I just sat on my hood watching the pelicans float around. It energized my spirit and I felt perfectly free and happy in that moment.
I don’t know what possessed me to wander off my route to see the Salton Sea, but I know for sure that I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t clean and sober. When I was using, I was so terrified to do anything new or different. Even in sobriety, I have a lot of anxiety, but to me the best solution is action. I was a little timid about going off into the desert alone on a Sunday, but after I took the action regardless of my feelings, I felt empowered and free. I think I am going to do things like that more often, because sitting in front of that strange body of water in the silent middle of nowhere, I felt alive. If youd like to feel alive again please contact us at adolescent drug treatment.

Originally posted on November 24, 2009 @ 5:58 am

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