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How To Guide Your Teen Through a Sober Halloween

By October 25, 2024February 11th, 2025No Comments

How To Guide Your Teen Through a Sober Halloween

Keeping Your Teen Sober Through Halloween

Halloween, just like most social holidays is a time for people to meet with friends and have fun. For teens, this can be a very trying moment especially if people around them are drinking and using other drugs. Nonetheless, there are several steps you can take as a parent to ensure that your kid fully enjoys his or her Halloween without getting high. These include ensuring that the child does the following: adolescent-drug-recovery-california

  • Stays around sober friends – while the aim remains staying away from alcohol, it’s always good to start by being in the company of sober friends. These friends can be met through support groups, in church or rehab, or through other social meetings. In so doing, these kids can effectively control their environment.
  • Engages in activities that do not encourage drinking – kids should never be kept locked at home because it is Halloween and they risk doing unwanted things. This can result in isolation and eventually depression. There are plenty of activities which they can participate in without drinking. For example, they can dress up for and go to festivals, have a sober Halloween barbecue, or play in a sober Halloween challenge. They can even watch a scary movie such as Rob Zombie’s Halloween, House of 1000 Corpses, Friday the 13th, or Freddy’s Dead: The Final Chapter. Kids can also research and tour the city’s haunted locations and stories.
  • Brings along sobriety support – having someone around the whole time who reminds him or her not to drink is a great way of ensuring that they get help throughout the night. The kids must however be very honest with this support team, telling them everything they are doing and contacting them in case of a problem.
  • Is not the “life” of the party – make it clear that your kid must not be the one whom everything revolves around. Actually, you may as well insist that they arrive at the party late and leave before it ends.
  • Doesn’t attend at all – this would be an option of last resort but perhaps the most assuring. If they are not at the party, they won’t find the influence, nor will they come in contact with the booze.

Please call 866-889-3665 for more information on keeping your teen sober during Halloween.

Originally posted on May 8, 2014 @ 8:43 am

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