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How To Find an Adolescent Drug Treatment Center For Your Child

By December 2, 2024February 11th, 2025No Comments

Knowing where to turn when your teen has a substance abuse problem can be difficult. The decision to send your teen to an adolescent drug treatment program is not made lightly. Parents often consider this option only after attempting to resolve the issue on their own without success.  It is only then that they come to the realization that their teen needs professional assistance.  As a parent, it is important to find the adolescent drug treatment program that can provide the support your teen needs to become sober, while still allowing you to play an active role.   teenage-drug-addiction

Research is extremely important when selecting a facility for adolescent drug treatment.  Take care to understand the benefits of each potential center using the following as a guide:

Program for Adolescents

Adolescents have a set of needs that are completely different than that of adults seeking drug addiction treatment.  It is important to find a treatment center that understands these unique needs and has been successful treating adolescents.

Program Types

Addiction treatment is not a one size fits all approach.  For some adolescents, an outpatient treatment program may address all of their needs.  For others with more complicated issues, a residential treatment program may be better suited to address their needs. Aim to find a treatment center that provides both outpatient and inpatient treatment.

Educational Support

It is important that clients continue to progress with their education during treatment. Look for a treatment program that integrates the student’s curriculum into their treatment plan.  In addition to helping transition after leaving treatment, alligned education allows students to continue to grow academically.

Family Involvement

In order to successfully recover, it is important that a family takes an active role in their child’s recovery.  Parents should feel welcome to enter the facility and to contact their child.  In fact, quality treatment centers will encourage the rebuilding of the family unit.  Stay away from treatment facilities that discourage parent involvement and contact.

Aftercare Plan

Your teen’s needs do not stop when they exit treatment.  Aftercare is one of the most important phases of drug addiction treatment.  Continuing to support clients after they leave the program can help to ensure they have the resources necessary to maintain their sobriety.  Successful adolescent drug treatment centers will ensure teens have all of the resources necessary in order to move forward and live healthy, productive lives.

Since 2002, Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers has provided individualized addiction treatment that supports the unique needs of teens.  Their comprehensive program supports teens and their families through the use of a comprehensive program with multiple modalities.  Treatment options at Visions include:  adolescent-drug-recovery-california

  • Residential Treatment – Located in Malibu, Visions’s adolescent residential serves the needs of teens between the ages of 13 and 18. Dependent on each client’s needs, treatment lasts between 45 and 90 days. Treatment is individualized and each teen is assigned a psychiatrist, mental health therapist, and counselor.
  • Outpatient Counseling – Outpatient counseling provides a supportive environment to enable teens to adapt positive behaviors.  The solution based program is designed to help teens and their parents heal and progress together.
  • Day School – An alternative school for teens between 13 and 18, Day School provides educational options for students who have been unable to find success in a traditional school setting. A student to staff ratio of three to one allows for customization of educational plans.  Additionally, clinical staff is available during the day to provide support as needed.
  • NeXt – NeXt is a residential treatment program for extended stays, with a minimum program of 90 days. Males and females are housed separately to provide a stable environment for continued educational and clinical growth.
  • LAUNCH – LAUNCH provides treatment for young adults aged 18 and 24.  The program is designed to allow clients to become independent while continuing to receive treatment.  This is an outpatient program that is typically offered in tandem with other clean living solutions.

Speak with a Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers representative to find out more about their adolescent drug treatment program.  Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on August 13, 2014 @ 8:42 am

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