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How Do I Find Adolescent Addiction Treatment For My Child

By November 25, 2024February 11th, 2025No Comments

Adolescent addiction treatment is the right choice for a teen with a substance abuse issue.  While many parents try to address substance abuse issues at home through discipline, this approach is not ideal.  Despite the best efforts of a teen and their parents, it can be nearly impossible to overcome a substance abuse issue without professional assistance.  It can be difficult for parents to know where to send their child for adolescent addiction treatment.  Use the guide below to find a treatment program that is best suited for the specific needs of your child.  teenage-drug-addiction

Treatment Focus

Look for an adolescent treatment center that has programs that are tailored to the needs of teenagers.  Adolescents have needs that are distinctively different than those of adults, and therefore, they should receive different treatment and programming.  In addition to navigating the underlying cause of their issues, adolescents are dealing with mental, emotional, and physical development, all of which must be taken into consideration.  A treatment center that has a mission of treating adolescents and their families is ideal.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is one of the largest components in an adolescent addiction treatment program.  In fact, many of the top treatment facilities will not accept a client who does not have familial support.  Select a program that has an open door policy with parents and that encourages parental involvement.  The most effective treatment centers will offer family counseling as a part of the treatment program.  Rebuilding the family unit and establishing healthy modes of communication both allows the family to heal and sets the stage for the adolescent to return to a positive environment after leaving treatment.

Program Types

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to adolescent addiction treatment.  For some, an outpatient program provides the support needed.  Others find additional benefit in an inpatient program.  Selecting a treatment center that offers multiple methods for treating adolescents can provide the flexibility your teen needs to be successful in their sobriety. The best treatment centers offer many treatment options including:

  • Inpatient treatment
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Long term inpatient treatment
  • Alternative education
  • Young adult outpatient treatment

Individualized Treatment

Personalized treatment plans set the most effective adolescent addiction treatment centers apart from the others. It is important that teens feel involved in their own treatment and that their needs and wants for treatment are incorporated into their treatment plans.  A treatment center’s client to staff ratio determines how much personal attention clients receive.  Treatment centers that are understaffed or which have high client to staff ratios are not equipped to provide adolescents with the level of care they need to be successful.

Licensing and Accreditation

Be sure to select a treatment facility that is registered in the state they operate in.  You should also check with the regulatory board for additional information on the history of a center.  Additionally, ask about a treatment center’s accreditation and information about the types of programs they provide.  Look for programs that are widely accepted as successful for treating addiction issues.  Twelve step approaches and Dialectical Behavior Therapy have been shown to be effective in treating addiction issues in adolescents.

Trust Your Instincts  road-to-recovery

You should feel comfortable with the treatment center your child attends.  Before committing to a program, visit the facility and ask questions.  Treatment facilities should be safe and should support environments that provide the security adolescents need to feel comfortable and safe. If a center does not provide a level of comfort that is suitable for your teen’s needs, look for additional options.

Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers provide individualized adolescent addiction treatment in both inpatient and outpatient settings.  The goal of treatment is to provide clients and their parents with the support they need to heal together, and become and remain sober.  Receive additional information on the adolescent addiction treatment programs provided by Visions by contacting them today.  Please click below to schedule your consultation, or call us at 866-889-3665.

Originally posted on July 28, 2014 @ 8:42 am

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