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Drug Treatment For Adolescents in Newport Beach

By October 23, 2024February 11th, 2025No Comments

What happens after rehab is just as important as what happens in rehab for adolescents. CNN.com, April 14, 2009 emphasizes the importance of “soft landings” after adolescent drug treatment, like sober high school, where teens can avoid being dropped back into their old environments, where the threat of relapse increases. In recovery, I learned that I had to change everything- including who my friends were and where I hung out. Returning to my high school after treatment without any kind of support would have been a disaster.
Being in treatment feels safe, and the first couple of weeks out made me feel like a baby deer trying to walk. It can be lonely and scary. Luckily, I continued with outpatient treatment and was able to stay connected with the support group I had begun to form in treatment. Back in Orange County, I kept going to AA and NA meetings regularly which allowed me to expand my support base further. I’m grateful for my “soft landing” out of treatment. I learned in treatment that I didn’t need to test my recovery or put myself in situations where drugs were around. I eased back into the world and my awesome support system helped me feel stronger and more confident in my recovery every day.

Originally posted on April 22, 2009 @ 1:51 pm

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