
How I Got Excited About Life

So I just celebrated two years of sobriety two days ago and it feels amazing. I can’t even put into words how grateful I am for my life today. Two years ago, my life revolved around getting that next high. To be quite honest, life was miserable. Today, I can honestly say that I am excited about my life.

Today, instead of being a slave to my addiction, I get to devote my life to helping other people find the happiness that I have found in recovery. I get to come to workat a teen treatment center and be a role model to teens struggling with drug and alcohol problems that are just like I was. I get to show them that it is possible to get clean at a young age and have an awesome life.

I look at life in a totally new perspective than ever before. I try to view everything as an opportunity for change rather than an obstacle or a tedious task. I get to appreciate everything in my life, even the simple things like the trees and clean water. I never even thought about those things. I took everything in life for granted. I always wanted everything handed to me on a silver platter. And, no matter what was handed to me, I was never happy. Nothing was ever enough. I now realize that everything in my life is a gift. And, without my sobriety I probably would have lost everything that I have.

Anyway, I am just so grateful for all the gifts that I have received through recovery. I am excited about life today. I have never been excited about life. I never knew a happiness like I have today. Life is truly beautiful.

Elizabeth M


The Number 1 Gateway Drug

I read an article today about teens that smoke cigarettes are more likely to develop drinking and/or drug problems. The article suggested that because smoking at such a young age messes with the chemistry and brain function, that makes them almost twice as likely to drink and almost three times as likely to smoke marijuana.

Now I can relate to this because I first started smoking around 15, then quit for a year or two, then picked it up once more. The second time I started smoking, my drinking had picked up about double what it was the year before. This information, in my opinion makes sense. The other thing is, it makes me ask the question what really is the number 1 gateway drug?



I’m Doing God’s Work

I’m a recovering addict and I’ve been clean for five years now. I’ve had the honor and privilege of working with the Visions family for three years. On most days, being able to work in teen drug treatment is one of the blessings of my recovery. However, working with adolescent addicts, alcoholics and drug abusers can be as challenging as it is rewarding.
A friend of mine recently passed on. His name was Bobby and he died with 34 years clean in Narcotics Anonymous. He shared with me that he’d been working in drug treatment since he had one year clean and he had loved it just as much in the end as he had in the beginning. His enthusiasm for helping people never died. He ended up touching many lives because of this.
Rarely, after a really long, trying day of work, I sometimes wonder why I’m not in an office job wearing heels and pearls. It’s then that I think of dear Bobby, and how every time I saw him, he’d wink at me and tell me I’m doing God’s work. I’m reminded that the important jobs take actual “work;” that’s why we call it that. I then remember who I am and what I stand for and I know that I’d never want it any other way.
I may not believe in “God” (don’t worry, I have a higher power), but I want more than anything else to do his work. Thanks for the reality check, Bobby. Rest in peace.

-Visions Adolescent Treatment Center

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