
Michael Jackson’s Death Caused by Prescription Drugs


Officials investigating the death of Michael Jackson will be looking into his prescription drug abuse as a possible cause of death as an accidental drug overdose . The pop icon admitted to prescription drug addiction in the 90’s and it is likely that his battles continued. Some rumors speculate that Jackson was injected with the heavy narcotic Demerol prior to suffering from cardiac arrest. Autopsy findings will be released in the near future.
Prescription drug abuse is growing rapidly in this country, with prescription drug use eclipsing marijuana use among teens. Teens are increasingly abusing stimulants like Adderall, sedatives like Xanax and Valium, and opiates like Oxycontin, that they acquire from parents’ drug cabinets, friends, and online purchasing. Most parents do not suspect that their teen is abusing prescription medication, however, over the past decade-and-a-half, teen prescription drug abuse has increased five-fold.
It makes sense. When I was using, pills seemed like a harmless thing. I ate Xanax (we called them “zanies”) and Oxycontin (“oxy”) like candy. Pills have less of a stigma attached. While my friends and I would have considered heroin or cocaine a horrible and dangerous drug to try, pills seemed easy and normal- something the girls from Sex and the City might to do relax. I had no idea I was gambling with my life the same way a junkie on the streets gambles with theirs.
Adolescent Drug Treatment helped me see teen addiction as the problem- not the particular substance I abused. I know that the prevailing attitude among teens is that pills are harmless and not nearly as dangerous as street drugs. I hope that with the insane amount of press coverage surrounding Michael Jackson’s death, more attention will be given to the seriousness of prescription drug abuse in our country. I’d rather have a better name for my generation than “Generation Rx”. We can be more than pill-popping zombies I hope. I know I can. If your teen is struggling with prescription drug abuse, help is right here.

If your teen is struggling with teen prescription drug abuse, help is right here.


Adolescent Drug Treatment in Santa Monica

Last night in Santa Monica I helped a friend of mine celebrate a year clean at an AA meeting. After leaving adolescent Drug Treatment and acquiring more clean time, I’ve had the opportunity to work with new kids at Visions as a sponsor. It’s the most fulfilling part of my week. Since someone spent time coming out there to work with me when I was a resident, it feels really good to be able to do it for someone else. Sponsorship is awesome because unlike the staff, my sponsor wasn’t paid to come work with me. They were there because they wanted to do it, and that made me feel really good. Building a relationship with my sponsor also eased my transition out of drug treatment and into the world. My sponsor was my first connection to real recovery outside of treatment. Working with Visions Adolescent Treatment Center residents now reminds me of where I came from and of all of the work it takes to power through early sobriety. Working with them keeps me grounded and grateful for the program.
When the girl I used to work with at Visions celebrated a year last night, I was thrilled. It is so amazing to watch someone grow and change in such a short amount of time. I am immensely proud of her. It reminds me that no matter how I feel and what’s going on in my own life, I can have a higher purpose in life: to help other people. When I was using, I never thought of anyone but myself, so having the chance to care about other people and show up for them is the best feeling in the world. Visions Santa Monica outpatient program gave me a lot of tools to stay clean outside of treatment, one of which was access to an AA or NA sponsor. My sponsor was my lifeline when I left treatment for teens. I felt so nervous leaving the safety of treatment but my sponsor helped me get plugged right into the recovery fellowship. I am grateful to my sponsor and to Visions for helping me, and now I have a chance to help others.

If you think your teen needs help don’t hesitate to contact us today by clicking here adolescent drug treatment in Santa Monica.

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