
Teen Cell Phone Use Banned

Effective July 1, 2008, California drivers will be prohibited from using a handheld wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle. While motorists 18 and over may use a hands-free device, teen drivers under the age of 18 may not use a wireless telephone, pager, laptop or any other such device, even a hands-free device, to speak or text while operating a motor vehicle.


Reckless Advertising Directed At Teens

Reckless Advertising

Are teens targeted by advertising campaigns for tobacco and alcohol products? The simple answer is: There is no simple answer. Advertisements are designed to have mass appeal. They find a way to target a broad audience. Their specific demographic may be young, adult men, but they may also appeal to adolescent males who want to feel more “grown-up.” In this sense, the advertisement is indirectly targeting a teen-aged audience. The lifestyle of the smoker/drinker is glamorized in the commercial. It seems like robotic think, but it works: If I drink that brand of beer I too can be the “World’s Most Interesting Man.” If I smoke those cigarettes, I too can be a “Marlboro Man.” Adolescents are trying to fit in and are easily influenced by images. Couple that with raging hormones, and it’s no wonder that advertising companies use sex to sell their products. Think about all of the products that are out there that have teen appeal. You have fruit-flavored cigars and energy drinks with an alcoholic kick. They throw out names for their products like Joose, Sparks, and Tilt all wrapped up in colorful packages, attracting both the palate but the eye. So, yes, teens are targeted by advertising for alcohol and tobacco. The companies have to know the audience they are reaching and must realize that they are planting a seed for future consumers.

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